Principal's Message

Dear Parents,
As the Principal of Army Public School, Nehru Road, Lucknow, I would like to welcome you all to the School website. This website has been prepared in the hope that it will become a valuable resource for you and provide you with school news and information.

"Education is not preparation for life. Education is life itself." John Dewey

Army Public School, Nehru Road strongly believes that education is a collaborative effort that involves professional administrators, committed teachers and motivated students. The School dedicates itself in creating a dynamic education programme empowering the students in a global perspective.

We, at APS, understand the need for shaping the personality of our students so that they can face the challenges of becoming global citizens. The school curriculum has been designed to cater to the physical, emotional, social and cultural needs of the students. All efforts are made to shape a child’s personality in such a way that he or she is not only equipped with 21st century skills and aptitude required for academic excellence, but can also face the challenges of life in a balanced and harmonious way. Diverse experiences and outlooks, committing itself to excellence in preparing learners for enriched opportunities worldwide, are also taken into consideration.

All the school activities are based on a participatory spirit that assists the students to become aware of their potential. Following the mantra of ‘No Child Left Behind’, we give opportunity to each student to channelize his potential to the optimum so that he becomes a successful professional, a good citizen and above all an asset to the human society.

The School is grateful to all the stakeholders for their unstinted support which has facilitated in understanding and helping the children grow up into good human beings with the spirit of fighting against all odds that come into their way.

It is anticipated that the School would receive similar support and cooperation in future too, which would immensely assist in taking it to greater heights.

Ms. Nidhi Rathore


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